Jason and I bicker a lot. It gets intense when we are busy/under stress. I realized it's primarily because of his #ADHD clashing with my #ASD.
I am not prepared for ADHD. My pure ASD mind makes me a single-minded, hyperfocus, minimal, need-completion kind of girl. I have an order of operations that I must follow or I get a painful traffic jam in my head. So I get annoyed by his pinballing and he gets annoyed by my rigidity.
At first, I wanted him to take meds. This was coming from being told my whole life that I need meds to fix myself. But there is no medication that can cure ASD or ADHD - these meds simply make others more comfortable by blunting us - I am less "annoying", less depressed, less rigid, less talkative - less Autistic. "Quieter and more pliable", as one counselor put it. So I've projected something onto Jason that fundamentally hurt me, which is shitty.
I do love him, and the ADHD is part of him. So we are in a phase of our relationship where we have stopped drinking the way we did before and begun to abandon western medicine (I actually believe that alcohol is a type of western medicine). But now we have to learn how to live with each other without crutches. It's not easy!
Today I spent time considering my need for order of operations and Jason's tendency to pinball task to task. I now see similarities. When I have an end goal, I generate certain steps toward it and SEE it all happen in my mind. Every step moves the next domino and is premeditated. When Jason has a goal he just turns on a randomized order of operations. It's simply different and I need to stop judging it.
I started figuring this out when I failed at IDSVA, I realized afterward the schedule was so all over the place, that whenever I tried to follow my intended order, I was disrupted academically and this moved me from traffic jam to pile up to gridlock. I came home and Jason was nothing but compassionate. I realize Jason is dynamic in ways I wish to be and I think he unknowingly enjoys my ability to hyperfocus. I am balance for him and he is radical acceptance for me, which no other partner ever offered me. I should do the same. <3