I didn’t know there is an eating disorder associated with Autism until just a few months ago and that I have it. It has nothing to do with body image. It’s all to do with how food effects our senses and how our senses can trigger physical pain. When I was little I hated the color combination of red and yellow (still do) and could not eat a plate with these colors. It physically hurts to see those colors together and makes me feel sick. I could not verbalize this as a kid so my family just thought I was a brat.
I realized that color thing more consciously as an adolescent taking art classes and just shrugged it off as a weird thing. As an adult I’ve forced myself to ignore it.
but now I read about this disorder and see other ways I fit into it.
When I have lived alone, I eat the same thing every day. I get into a routine of same meals and that is that. For me, its the security of routine and sameness. I believe it’s part of my tendency to fixate for safety. Maybe grew out of my constant insecurity in relationships. And, of course, avoiding certain smells or colors.
When I get overstimulated these issues are amplified and it does become difficult to eat at all.
I also connect foods to people and then can’t eat them after trauma. Like with fried eggs after Tom left me, the sight of them made me hurt in my chest.
At the time, i understood this as bipolar, some kind of mania, but psychologists always said it was outside the bipolar box and scratched their heads. Now I know why. I’m not bipolar. Of course, most psychologists don’t have ASD as an option when they evaluate adults, so this symptom was just tossed in the odds and ends corner of my diagnosis.
I’m lucky that I enjoy healthy foods and I don’t have so many aversions, so this “disorder” never effected my health negatively, but some Autistics get hooked on a food pattern that is really unhealthy, and they have so many sensitivities, it makes it hard for them to break out of it.
Also, not being alone helps. My friends always opened me up to new foods or made me eat different, and I appreciate that so much. I remember vividly many food moments with people I love ❤️